MOVING WITH THE WAVES OF READING Dear Readers, I specially welcome you to my blog where I will be linking up with other BOOKLOVERS, BIBLIOPHILES, BOOKAHOLICS and BOOK-ADDICTS in very passionate and intimate conversations, newsletters and articles about books, books, and books. Writing from the first World Book Capital City in sub-Sahara Africa, talking about non other than Port Harcourt City, I am sure we are going to enjoy the beauty, bounty and wonder of books reading, books writing and books sharing within this city and beyond. I am optimistically aware of the trend in the books industry in this city of Port Harcourt, been myself a passionate, unapologetic, consummate, insatiably curious book collector and book connoisseur who is in for anything and everything books. Understandably, not every visitor to this blog may share my flare or fondness for books especially in a city more known for its fanfare than for it...