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I specially welcome you to my blog where I will be linking up with other BOOKLOVERS, BIBLIOPHILES, BOOKAHOLICS and BOOK-ADDICTS in  very passionate and intimate conversations, newsletters and articles about books, books, and books.

Writing from the first World Book Capital City in sub-Sahara Africa, talking about non other than Port Harcourt City,  I am sure we are going to enjoy the beauty, bounty and wonder of books reading, books writing and books sharing within this city and beyond.

I am optimistically aware of the trend in the books industry in this city of Port Harcourt, been myself  a passionate, unapologetic, consummate, insatiably curious  book collector and book connoisseur who is in for anything and everything books.

Understandably, not every visitor to this blog may share my flare or fondness for books especially in a city more known for its fanfare than for its readership. Obviously that is an interesting contrast. Yes, the fun city of Nigeria, Port Harcourt WAS recently celebrated as the Book Capital City of the world for at least one full eventful year.
There were myriads of activities lined up for the celebration inspite of its lagging reading culture. But for the politicization of the project, it ended ingloriously without the fanfare that characterized its glamorous opening ceremony.
However, It is my opinion that  for the fact that most people don't leisurely or professionally take to  reading  as a lifestyle in this clime,  even though it is understood to be a global phenomenon owning considerably to the advent of electronic devices such as the internet, is  reason enough why we should deliberately sensitize,   'advertise'  and continually and persistently talk about reading the way Ray Roc astutely marketed Mac Donald's hamburgers to children and adults alike in the United States of America.

WE should be talking about books with monastic zeal and fervor. With the fanaticism of a CHELSEA, ARSENAL OR MAN U fan. when I say we, I mean everyone who believes that we are at the verge of a reading revolution. Everyone who believes that the forgotten values of reading can be revived and is being revived in this nation,first in the home , school and the wider community. Everyone  who believes that readers are leaders and that those who read ALWAYS have an edge over those who don't read regularly. Those homogenous species who   share my idea that the person who can read and does not read is not different or better than the person who cannot read.
This blog is a promotional blog aimed at re-orientating ourselves towards reading as well as challenging our indifference, reservations, excuses and apathy towards books and our general misconception of those who love reading  for the sake of reading or the sheer pleasure derived from it.

Its contents and articles may not be the common experience of every reader  but most of the thoughts comes from my direct interaction with my  environment. If taken as a demographic model, then it can be assumed sometimes that we here in PHC, I mean the bookworms, have a lot of work to do by way of  inspiring prospective readers to our clubs. We could cause  reading waves that would have rippling effects for good. This I strongly believe and hope to achieve through this interactive blog.
Therefore my dear bookish friends, let us continue to  rave and bask in the euphoria of the reading revolution that has just begun through the world book capital program  and let us endeavour to sustain it as we keep the flames of reading burning ever brighter in our own generation.

 Thank you for reading.



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